Grand Opening Recap

Grand Opening Recap
Its actually over… I did it! Bitter yet sweet moment. I can say every minute spent planning and working on my grand opening/ gallery exhibit was definitely worth it.
Honestly, never would I have imagined at this point in my life I’d be a successful business owner at the tender age of 23. I didn’t think I would balls up and purchase my first photography studio yet alone host my first gallery exhibit anytime soon. For it to happen all within the first four months of the year Im humbly amazed. I know I owe it all to God first and foremost for everything. For the ideas, the unmerited favor, and blessed connections.
The event was amazing and couldn’t have been more perfect. I loved the feedback I got from everyone. Especially the guest I had the pleasure of meeting the night of, who shared their admiration for my work and brand, also giving me the reassurance that what I am doing is appreciated and doesn’t go unnoticed. Often as artist, we can be our biggest critics. Its definitely good and also healthy to received input and criticism from people outside of your own brain.
I want to send out the biggest THANK YOU to everyone who helped out with putting the event together and putting in the time and effort to make it possible. Also, to everyone who came and showed their face and the ones that couldn’t that reached out and sent their best wishes for a successful event. From the bottom of my heart I’m truly thankful for all of the love and support I received and continue to receive from everyone. I love you guys! Thanks for sticking with me and be sure follow me along this journey to more success. Give Thanks. Thats key. (cc. Dj Khaled)