Black Girl Magic

“Whenever she does something, anything really, it's like magic is in the air,” Etinosa Ogbevoen.
Black Girl Magic is for real. There’s a certain type of power buried deep in all women, but it radiates off of black women. You’ve witnessed it, I’m sure. It’s in the strength of our hair, stride in our walk, sass in our voice, fullness of our features, and all of our successes. Our experiences are unique, not all pleasant, but they assist in shaping who we are. “My life as a black woman is wonderful. I love who I am and what I represent,” Ogbevoen boasts. Her sentiments mirror so many of our own.
“To be a woman AND be black is to be almost nonexistent in this world,” says Raven Morris. She speaks facts, but yet we come out on top still. The act of “pushing through,” is embedded in us, regardless of the situation. Our ancestors set the tone and we continue to play the part. “Life as a Black woman can be tough. I have experienced blatant racism and sexism. Being both black and a woman, I have to fight a little harder than most,” adds Jaymie Collins. However, do not be misconstrued, being black is lit.
Black History Month gives us time to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished, despite our hardships. For centuries, we were viewed as inferior and today, the notion still rings the same. “Being black is to be the underdog, but we do it with ease, and not purposely. It just happens because some people expect so little out of us. It brings me joy to walk around confidently in my blackness,” Morris states. We are still making history; despite what we go through. Black History Month provides twenty-eight days for others to bask in the glory of our melanin.
As a black woman, it brings me great pleasure to see other black people do well, but especially black women. There is nothing like witnessing a sista do her thang. To see women live in their greatness and give greater definition to Black Girl Magic is a reward. It is tough being a black woman because everything we do or say is criticized. We are often viewed as too much or not enough, so when one of us shines we all shine. “Black Girl Magic is a special gift God has given us Black Girls to really empower one another and make things happen for US,” Collins says. We are here to uplift each other in all areas of life.
The color black is associated with many negative things, but being black is a pleasure really. We took the time to showcase the spark in black women at Steven G. Photography. Our black is BEAUTIFUL.
“My black is INFLUENTIAL,” Ogbevoen.
“My black is ABUNDANT,” Collins.
“My black is TIMELESS,” Morris.
What is black to you?
Post Author: Fohni Wright