Business Spotlight: Brooks Proctor | Square Bear

Creative Director | Photographer: Steven Green
“We all nerd out about something whether it’s cooking, comic books, art, photography, music, or cutting hair. I just encourage people to own it and embrace it full throttle even if it goes against the grain.”
Recently, we were able to sit down and catch up with Brooks Proctor, the design director and owner of Square Bear. A native to Kansas City, but now located in Los Angeles, Brooks is no stranger to the creative scene. Skilled in many things, Brooks chose to focus solely on his clothing brand Square Bear.
“The idea for Square Bear came to me in the shower a few years ago because that’s where all great ideas come from.” Brooks said. From there he had it graphically designed by an old friend and began to slowly push the brand. Brooks stated, “It was hard starting out because I knew no one in the business and most distributors did not take me serious because I looked like a kid. I had on skinny jeans and a backpack.” But Brooks was determined to make something great out of the idea.
Square Bear is a brand that celebrates people who are comfortable with being who they truly are. “I always say, we’re all a square to something. We all nerd out about something whether it’s cooking, comic books, art, photography, music, or cutting hair. I just encourage people to own it and embrace it full throttle even if it goes against the grain.” says Brooks. Brooks specializes in design and styling for the brand. This allows him to truly connect to Square Bear in freedom and expression.
Though Brooks may have received some push back from others initially, that never deterred him from becoming a successful brand. Square Bear has not only been seen worn locally but has been spotted on some of your favorite celebs like Chris Brown, Mali Music, Mystical and many others. He is most proud of himself for just staying the course and not giving up. “The fashion industry is fickle/ever changing and when you’re doing most of it on your own it can become very challenging.” he stated. He advises others to make sure that you keep up with the trends and try to put out as much content as possible. In the next 5 to 10 years Brooks see himself opening up boutiques in Kansas City and LA. He hopes to also push forward with a kids collection.